Sunday, March 17, 2013

Changing the world one spit ball at a time.

If you were to meet me today, I’d be running an errand
Shopping for groceries, picking up laundry
Driving a fairly plush sedan, dropping kids off to school and
say, get a manicure even

 But you did not meet me today
You didn’t ever get the idea that I am a poet
You met me when I was half drunk on local hooch
Slurring abuses at the sky for snowing too soon
And too much
You met me when I was threatening to rip apart your paintings
And break Beethoven’s albums across your back
I told you I could drag big boys across the hall and
punch them in the face.
I shot spit balls at a man zipping past in a plush sedan
You met me when I asked a fur sales man if his shag was for sale
I raced the rat chasing cheese with my last jug of hooch
And you asked
What’s a girl like you doing in a dump like this?
And I said
I am a Poet, a Wanderer, a Nun, a God
And you threw back your beautiful head full of hair and laughed

You? You... a Poet, a God, a Nun, a Wanderer?

Then I am Humphrey Bogart

I guess you’re right, I said, I guess you’re right

But you still look so good to me
And thanks to that randy God
Who wrote this poem.

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