Tuesday, April 23, 2013

5 Minutes

23:25: 01:  I have missed you by 5 minutes

23:26:05 : They say you can miss a lot in five minutes. Trains, Planes, Buses. You could pass me by in 5 minutes, walk out of that café minutes before I walk in.

23:27:08: You could have logged in as I logged out in less than 5 minutes. I missed you in those minutes.

23:28:21: Times like these, the space of 300 seconds is larger than a volcanic pit.

23:29:59 : Five minutes, then seven minutes, now fifteen minutes, an hour, a few hours, days, months, years, decades. This space can and will get wider and there is nothing I can do, except know that I will always miss you by 5 minutes. 

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