Sunday, July 10, 2011


It’s a damned drag when your

Brain and your words get

Weary and you stumble about

On a blank page

Time to collect my honors


Or will I piss off everybody

And go for another

Twenty odd years?

(I could collect a few new rejection slips on the way)

but meanwhile, I believe I’ll take a

late dip in your spa in the


Its been a great run and, I think a

Worthy one,

So now I’ll follow my belly

Down the stairway and into your

Yard and into the bubbling water.

This precious thing isn’t over yet.

It could be that I am just warming up to the


With you, with me, with life, with death


I warned you long ago that I’d

Always be here to disturb your fondest


And now its into the foaming spa as

New poems

Begin to

Swirl and build


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