came by to say
the walls were stained mellow with
and bottle of curdled wine,
dusty with dead spiders
sat about like memories best
Stand perfectly still.
Wait more.
If your heart starts pounding against your chest, this might be an indication that your heart wants to push forward. Take a step forward for every pound of your heart. At this rate, you’ll be across the room by daybreak. But after all, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
It’s a damned drag when your
Brain and your words get
Weary and you stumble about
On a blank page
Time to collect my honors
Or will I piss off everybody
And go for another
Twenty odd years?
(I could collect a few new rejection slips on the way)
but meanwhile, I believe I’ll take a
late dip in your spa in the
Its been a great run and, I think a
Worthy one,
So now I’ll follow my belly
Down the stairway and into your
Yard and into the bubbling water.
This precious thing isn’t over yet.
It could be that I am just warming up to the
With you, with me, with life, with death
I warned you long ago that I’d
Always be here to disturb your fondest
And now its into the foaming spa as
New poems
Begin to
Swirl and build